Rods in Progress

Roy Brizio Hot Rod Shop


SATURDAY, MAY 10th, 2008

As with each year, the annual Brizio shop party felt like it came up before the last one was over. The party kicks off on Friday with a major shop clean-up and a barbeque catered by Shaub’s Meats, located in Stanford Shopping Center in Palo Alto. Unfortunately, lunch was served before we started cleaning; nothing like sano-ing out the shop on a full stomach. Besides cleaning every corner of the shop, the crew positioned each car so that everybody could get a good look at each of the projects being worked on. 

Saturday morning, guests started arriving as early as 6:30am in order to get a good parking spot in the Brizio lots. By ten, cars filled every lot, and spilled into our neighbor’s lot at Sanderson Headers. 

Guest came from all over, including a group from Canada, and long-time friend Bob Rothenberg all the way from St. Louis. And, of course, Andy “The Rod Father” Brizio showed up in his new headgear (take a look at the photos).

As you look through the photos of the event, you may notice a few cars that were in bare metal from last year that have recently been finished, including Larry Karp’s black ’34 three window, and Bob Nickum’s tangerine ‘32 Ford Fordor. Also on hand and under construction were Eric Clapton’s recently chopped ’49 Ford coupe and ’48-’53 Chevy pickup. And not to be ignored was the infamous Ala Kart; recently back from its (re) debut at the Grand National Roadster Shoe in Pomona, CA.

Once again, we would like to thank the volunteers that come each year to help with the preparation and management of such a big event, and all the dealers and manufacturers from the street rod industry who donate parts for the raffle. And a special thank you to all the people who came to help us celebrate our 23rd open house!

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